Fully Gold Gilded 8.75 inches Prajnaparamita Statue 24k Gold, Handmade in Nepal (Gallery)
Fully Gold Gilded 8.75 inches Prajnaparamita Statue 24k Gold, Handmade in Nepal (Gallery) Fully Gold Gilded 8.75 inches Prajnaparamita Statue 24k Gold, Handmade in Nepal (Front Details) Fully Gold Gilded 8.75 inches Prajnaparamita Statue 24k Gold, Handmade in Nepal (Back) Fully Gold Gilded 8.75 inches Prajnaparamita Statue 24k Gold, Handmade in Nepal (Left) Fully Gold Gilded 8.75 inches Prajnaparamita Statue 24k Gold, Handmade in Nepal (Right)

Fully Gold Gilded 8.75″ Prajnaparamita Statue 24k Gold, Handmade in Nepal

Original price was: $999.00.Current price is: $699.00.

Statue Identity: Prajnaparamita Statue
Product Dimensions: Height: 8.75″, Width: 7″, Depth: 3″

Production Method: Lost Wax Method, Fire Gilded in 24k Gold
Production Materials: Copper Alloy, Gold
Shipping Weight: 2500 grams approx.

Our gold gilded Prajnaparamita statue is fully gilded in 24k gold using the fire gilding method. In addition, the statue features were hand carved using the traditional lost wax sculpting method. It is a time tested method first established in the 10th century in Patan, Nepal. As a result, the very same Nepali artisans who created this beautiful statue are descended from the same caste system from which the original statues came from. Indeed, Nepal has been the preferred source for Tibetan monasteries for many centuries. The buyer of this statue can rest assured they have purchased a monastic quality statue handmade in Nepal.

The Prajnaparamita deity is the embodiment of the Prajnaparamita Sutra. As a result, she holds a copy of the text in her left hand. Additionally, wisdom is a female attribute and its eternal joining with compassion or skillful means is supreme enlightenment. Therefore, in her right hand she holds a vajra symbol representing the male counterpart of compassion. Our Prajnaparamita statue sits in full lotus pose on a single lotus pedestal. Furthermore, Prajnaparamita’s hair is blue and fixed in the ushnisha topknot. The lower hands of Prajnaparamita are fixed in the Dhyana “meditation” mudra.

Special Adornments for your Gold Gilded Prajnaparamita Statue

Our Nepali master artisan created this beautiful gold gilded Prajnaparamita statue with a Bodhisattva crown and jewelry. At the request of the buyer, we would be happy to adorn the crown and jewels of this statue with turquoise and red stones. At no extra charge, the skilled artisan can embellish the statue with these special decorations before delivery.

The color turquoise is a special combination of blue and green. Indeed, blue signifies the purity of the Buddhas and green symbolizes Prajnaparamita’s readiness to act. Additionally, meditation on the color red will transmute the poison of attachment into the wisdom of discernment. Many Bodhisattvas also wear red to pay tribute to Amitabha Buddha.

gold gilded Prajnaparamita statue, Your Satisfaction Guaranteed