3" Offering Bowls Set Copper Alloy Brass Rings (Handmade in Nepal) - Gallery
3" Offering Bowls Set Copper Alloy Brass Rings (Handmade in Nepal) - Gallery3" Offering Bowls Set Copper Alloy Brass Rings (Handmade in Nepal) - Upside Down3" Offering Bowls Set Copper Alloy Brass Rings (Handmade in Nepal) - Upper3" Offering Bowls Set Copper Alloy Brass Rings (Handmade in Nepal) - Inner3" Offering Bowls Set Copper Alloy Brass Rings (Handmade in Nepal) - Bottom

3″ Set of Eight Tibetan Water Offering Bowls, Copper Alloy w/Brass Rings

Original price was: $299.00.Current price is: $189.00.

Product Identity: Set Eight 3″ Tibetan Offering Bowls
Special Features: Eight Copper Bowls, Brass Rings
Product Dimensions: Upper Diameter: 3″ Lower Diameter: 1.5″ Height: 1.5″

Production Material: Copper Alloy, Brass
Shipping Weight: 1.2 kg

Our set of eight Tibetan water offering bowls was hand crafted by world class artisans. These same artisans have been supplying the Tibetan monasteries with their ritual items for nearly 1000 years. As a result, when you purchase this set of Tibetan water offering bowls you can rest assured it was crafted by the best artisans in the world.

Traditionally, there are seven offering substances: water for drinking, water for bathing, flowers, incense, light, perfume, and food. However, water is often substituted because it is visualized as pure nectar by the Buddhas. Additionally, water is plentiful in Tibet and devotees are encouraged to be generous with their time and possessions just as they would give away water.

Tibetan offerings done properly at your Buddhist altar will help you to alleviate the defilements of greed and craving. As a result, you can enhance your generosity and virtue. The symbolic offerings are left on your altar in the morning and then they are removed in the evening. It is believed that Tibetan offerings are done to the delight of the Buddhas. 

Set of Eight Tibetan water Offering Bowls - Your satisfaction guaranteed

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