Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Hand Painted 24k Gold Detail 32.5" x 22.5" - Front
Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Hand Painted 24k Gold Detail 32.5" x 22.5" - Front Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Hand Painted 24k Gold Detail 32.5" x 22.5" - Front Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Hand Painted 24k Gold Detail 32.5" x 22.5" - Top Left Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Hand Painted 24k Gold Detail 32.5" x 22.5" - Bottom Left Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Hand Painted 24k Gold Detail 32.5" x 22.5" - Top Right Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Hand Painted 24k Gold Detail 32.5" x 22.5" - Bottom Right

Healing Buddha Thangka Painting, 32.5″ x 22.5″, Hand Painted in 24k Gold Detail

Original price was: $899.00.Current price is: $639.00.

Product Identity: Medicine Buddha, Healing Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru
Special Features: Hand Painted, 24k Gold Detailing
Product Dimensions: Height: (w/border) 32.5″ Width: (w/border) 22.5″, Height: (w/o border) 30″ Width: (w/o border) 20″

Production Material: Cotton Canvas, Paint, 24k Gold Detail
Shipping Weight: 200 grams

Our Healing Buddha thangka painting shows the Buddha sitting in his eastern pure land of “Lapis Jewel” or “Pure Lapis Lazuli”. The words “Lapis Lazuli” are very significant in Buddhism. It is because they are the deep blue color of moral perfection. As a result, we see the color of his medicine on display. This is the medicine of moral purity, also known as the pali term “sila”. Buddhists believe that immorality is the cause of all mental and physical suffering. Therefore, diligent practice of morality and meditation will cure all ailments.

This Healing Buddha thangka painting depicts him sitting in full lotus pose. Additionally, he is holding his bowl of Lapis nectar on his lap. This sacred bowl contains 3 nectars that will cure the three poisons of hatred, greed and delusion. The Lapis bowl rests in the palm of his left hand which is portraying the Dhyana mudra, also known as meditation mudra.

His right hand is displaying the Varada “gift giving” mudra. As a result, he gives the gift of medicine to his followers. Additionally, the myrobalan plant grows up his right forearm. This was an herbal remedy used in ancient India that is still used today.

Upon closer inspection you can observe the fine detail in our Healing Buddha thangka painting. It reveals important metaphors that indicate the teachings of the Buddha are in perfect universal harmony. Click here to learn more about the Healing Buddha.

Healing Buddha thangka painting - your satisfaction guaranteed

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