Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Painting 26.25" x 20.25" (24k Gold Detail) - Gallery
Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Painting 26.25" x 20.25" (24k Gold Detail) - Gallery Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Painting 26.25" x 20.25" (24k Gold Detail) - Full Frame Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Painting 26.25" x 20.25" (24k Gold Detail) - Face Detail Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Painting 26.25" x 20.25" (24k Gold Detail) - Bottom Left Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Painting 26.25" x 20.25" (24k Gold Detail) - Top Left Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Painting 26.25" x 20.25" (24k Gold Detail) - Top Right Medicine Buddha Tibetan Thangka Painting 26.25" x 20.25" (24k Gold Detail) - Bottom Right

Bhaisajyaguru Thangka Painting, 26.25″ x 20.25″, 24k Gold Detailing

Original price was: $699.00.Current price is: $499.00.

Product Identity: Medicine Buddha, Bhaisajyaguru, Sangye Menla
Special Features: Hand Painted, 24k Gold Detailing
Product Dimensions: Height: (w/border) 26.25″ Width: (w/border) 20.25″, Height: (w/o border) 24″ Width: (w/o border) 18″

Production Material: Cotton Canvas, Paint, 24k Gold Detail
Shipping Weight: 200 grams

Medicine Buddha (Bhaisajyaguru) is highly venerated in Mahayana and Tibetan Buddhism. Indeed, traditional Tibetan thangka paintings are completed according to the standards of Tibetan Buddhism. Additionally, Nepal has long been the preferred source of thangka paintings for the Tibetan monasteries. When you purchase our Bhaisajyaguru thangka painting rest assured that you have procured monastic quality Tibetan art.

Bhaisajyaguru sits in the thangka center in full lotus pose on top of a colorful single lotus pedestal. Additionally, Bhaisajyaguru is depicted with the ushnisha top knot, right turning hair coils, neck lines and third eye of wisdom. These are the marks of a Buddha and are commonly included in all Buddha paintings and sculptures. Bhaisajyaguru holds the lapis nectar bowl in the palm of his left hand. Inside the bowl are the three nectars which will expunge the three poisons of hatred, delusion and greed.

In his right hand he holds a sprig of the myrobalan plant between his index finger and thumb. However, the medicinal qualities of this ancient herbal remedy are symbolic. This is because the Buddhist cure is to purify karma which is the remedy for any spiritual, physical or mental affliction. Additionally, Bhaisajyaguru is depicting the Varada “gift giving” mudra. This represents the belief that the Buddha gave the gift of medicine to sentient life.

Our Bhaisajyaguru thangka painting uses his pure land of “Pure Lapis Lazuli” as the landscape background. In his pure land, Bhaisajyaguru radiates in a web of pure lapis lazuli light. This powerful light will reveal the power of knowledge to those beings dwelling in darkness and allow them to greatly improve their lives. Click here to learn more about Medicine Buddha.

Bhaisajyaguru thangka painting - Your Satisfaction Guaranteed

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